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Archive for March, 2007

5th carnival of ethics, values and personal finance post

I am so sorry for this delayed link to the carnival of ethics, values and personal finance @ stingy students. I apologise profusely for not being organised enough to realise that its on. Better late than never?

My post is in the also rans section. Which is no more than it deserves on this form. Check [...]

carnival of personal finance 93 post

tired but happy hosted the carnival of personal finance this week.

I didn’t have a really great post last week and so didn’t submit anything (I also forgot). But its great anyway, I particularly like silicon valley blogger @ the digerati life’s post on her money mistakes, I’ll freely admit that I am not always very [...]

the battered red briefcase

So, last week Gordon Brown delivered what is widely touted as his last budget before becoming Prime Minister. And as I’m sure all interested parties have heard, he left a stonking great big change until the end of his speech. The basic rate of tax has been lowered by 2p in the pound to 20%. [...]

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